includes developmentally appropriate activities in all areas; cognitive, fine
motor, gross motor, science, language arts, math, music and creative arts. It
is our goal to provide all children with an environment that acknowledges and
celebrates individual and cultural differences, fosters self esteem, and promotes
individual growth. ARRIVALS/DEPARTURES: Only
parents or designated adults are allowed to pickup children. Please advise us
of any changes in custody or pickup plans. Picture ID's are required. For
safety's sake, children must always be left in the care of an adult, brought directly
to the classroom and must never be left without a Teacher present. SECURITY
ISSUES: We ask that families enter and exit the facility by the main
front doors only. There is a security keypad located at the front door for authorized
access only. We monitor all who enter the building. Children are to be logged
in and out by using the computer located at the front desk. Staff
will "ID" any adult picking up a child they have never picked-up before.
Please remind those assisting you with pickups to have picture identification
available. It is important to let us know when someone different will be picking
your child up from school. Any
custody issues or changes in guardianship must be brought to the Director's attention
as soon as possible. Legal documentation will be required. DROP-OFF/PICKUP Parking
along the front of the building is permitted for quick and easy drop-off and pickup.
Please limit your parking time to no longer than 10 minutes. PARKING There
is ample parking on the far side of the playground. Fire Department regulations
do not allow parking in non-designated parking spots. CLOSURE
POLICIES Cherubs Child Development Center makes every effort to be
open during inclement weather (even on days when Town schools close). Cherubs
opening/closing will depend directly upon access to the building and availability
of parking. Depending upon the severity of a storm and our ability to plow, we
may (1) open on time; (2) open with a delayed opening; (3) not be able to open. Whenever
severe weather raises the question of closure, we ask that you call the Center
and listen for our recorded message or listen for Cherubs Child Development Center
announcement on Channel 7. Tuition
must be paid whenever snowfall/inclement weather or other emergencies beyond our
control result in the Center closing.