Care Checklist Use
this checklist as a guideline for your questions and observations as you visit
Cherubs and other Centers. We have created this to help you evaluate our center,
and to find the best child development program for you and your child. LOCATION
The Center is well located at a positive and spacious site. The Center
is convenient to your home or workplace. The Center's site, building,
classrooms and grounds are "child friendly." The Center's
hours fit your schedule. The Center policies (vacation, sick child,
payment, etc.) are workable for you. SAFETY
/ SECURITY The facility is licensed by the Department of Early Education
& Care. The license is current and posted. There is a security system
in place that restricts access to strangers to the facility. Outside
playground is enclosed, well equipped, clean, cleared of obstacles and dangerous
items. Safety practices are most important. Precautions are taken to
prevent accidents. Electrical outlets are covered, cleaning substances are locked
up and out of reach of children, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are present,
sprinklers are in each classroom, toy and storage units are bolted to the floor.
The Staff/Child ratio meet or exceed state requirements. The facility
has an established and posted Emergency Exit Plan, and scheduled fire drills (four
being conducted by the Fire Dept.) All staff members are familiar with the plan.
Equipment and furnishings are age-appropriate, well maintained and safe. HEALTH
/ NUTRITION The Center is clean and orderly. The Center
has a written handbook and postings incorporating health/safety policies.
Food serving areas are clean. Nutritious snacks are served daily and
menus are posted. Bathrooms, changing tables and toys are disinfected
on a regular daily schedule. Diaper disposal procedures are posted and
followed. Caregivers and children wash their hands frequently.
Children and Teachers are required to submit up-to-date medical records.
Contagious illnesses are reported to the parents. A written "sick"
policy identifies types of illnesses not allowed, when a child will be sent home,
when they may return, etc. All staff have current first-aid and CPR
Certification. SPACE
The Center has well-designed and stimulating classrooms, special interest areas
and spaces for adequate play in inclement/winter weather. Children have
cubbies or places to keep their belongings from home. Ample space is
available inside and outside to accommodate the number of children.
Classrooms have "child-size" sinks and bathrooms. STAFFING
Teachers are caring, energetic, positive, respectful, and aware of the children.
Teachers and children are having fun and enjoying themselves. Teachers are actively
involved with the children. Teachers use pleasant voices and talk directly
to the children, encouraging them to express themselves and to "use their
words." Teachers are sensitive and responsive to the children and
their needs. Teachers recognize and encourage individual differences
in children but do not discriminate because of race, religion, or ethnic background.
Teachers have adequate experience and are offered ongoing, professional training.
Discipline techniques are positive; aimed at developing self-directed behavior
in children. Teachers have open communication with each other and with
parents. Teachers understand the different ages and stages of growth
and development. DEVELOPMENTAL
PROGRAM AND DAILY ROUTINES Curriculum is individualized and geared
to the interest of the children. There is a planned program based on
the development needs and interests of the children. Daily activities
are posted and monthly calendars and newsletters are distributed. There
are a variety of activities and materials, which encourage children to think,
to be creative, and to express themselves in manners that help them solve problems
and relate well to others. Child choice, quiet time, active plan, art,
dramatic play, sensory play, blocks, science etc. are a part of each day.
The Program offers numerous and varied opportunities to enhance each child's learning
and self-confidence. The program is non gender-biased, allowing both
boys and girls the same opportunities to use equipment and participate in all
activities. There is more than one "right" way to do each
activity, and children are encouraged to make choices. Children have
easy access to all materials and equipment in open containers on low shelves.
Learning centers and interest areas are well-defined and creative. Photos
and children's artwork are displayed at their level. Artwork and activities
are based on process rather than product. MANAGEMENT,
fees, hours, illness, vacations and snacks are available to you in written form.
Information about the program, including a schedule of daily activities, is available
to you in written form. (monthly newsletters and calendars) Teachers
are supported by a professional organization, resource people, ongoing training
and materials. Teachers are screened and hired with respect to credentials,
personality, work experience, commitment to working with young children, and demonstrated
knowledge of child development/education. There is an open-door policy
for parents that welcome you to come visit your child and the facility at any
time. The Teachers provide you with regular daily communication about
how your child is doing through individual day sheets. Parent conferences
and progress reports take place regularly. Parent participation and
feedback is encouraged. Policies and philosophies are compatible with
your family's childcare needs. |